Our Expertise
Will Keep You Competitive
Like the needs of our industrial customers, consumer product development often presents opportunities for us to utilize our expertise and mold flow simulation tools. Cost savings opportunities through design and material considerations are key to helping our customers be cost-competitive in a tough marketplace.
Injection Molding
Past Consumer Products
Every consumer product presents a unique challenge. With decades of experience, we face these challenges head-on and help produce some amazing products for mass consumption.
why choose basilius
For your Consumer Products
Promoting Mold Life With Proper Maintenance
Proper preventative maintenance is critical to life of injection mold tooling. Here we go over the basics of making your tools last.
UV Additives for Injection Molded Parts
Plastics can degrade and lose critical material properties over time, but this can be prevented by proper material selection.
The History of Basilius Inc.
Basilius Inc. has a history going back to the early 1950s. This is a story of how we got started and how we ended up where we are today.